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Sept. 25 2012
What will the working world be like? College students get a taste during internships. These brief working assignments, usually during the three months of summer, provide insight into a future career. Is...
Sept. 21 2012
The terms are all too familiar for those in animal agriculture: "growth hormone," "mad cow disease" and "factory farm." All are nicknames for longer, dryer formal names. The mainstream media loves them...
Sept. 10 2012
This summer, I had the honor and privilege of working as the 24th Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern. This opportunity not only gave me a chance to improve my writing and editing skills
Aug. 22 2012
Whether you are looking for tips on sand separation, thinking about using nitrification inhibitors or just looking for your next spreader, the North American Manure Expo was the place to be this morning
Aug. 17 2012
Chopping or baling soybeans can help fill forage needs. That's the message from the University of Illinois' Mike Hutjens who has posted a 7-minute video discussion on the subject
Aug. 13 2012
Leave it to farm kids to come up with creative ideas. When gathered with family over the 4th of July, Clymer, N.Y. brothers, 18-year-old Justin and 9-year-old Fred White decided to respond to the recent...
Aug. 7 2012
While those may not be your favorite football teams, Dairy Management Inc. still is looking for you to show your favorite team spirit with a dairy twist by entering the "Show your pride" dairy producer...
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July 26 2012
With half of the country now in a drought disaster area, if there was ever a year for dairy farmers to take reducing silage losses seriously, this is it. The most silage you have is when it is standing...
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July 20 2012
USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service says 2012 will make it three record almond crop years in a row in California, which produces virtually all of the almonds in the U.S
July 19 2012
Nichelle Stewert, a Georgia farmer who volunteers with her local Farm Bureau, gave one of our favorite sessions at this year's National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference
July 18 2012
Clayton Yeutter, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and Trade Representative (USTR), opened Monday's "Is this farm boom different?" at the Kansas City Federal Reserve by answering the event's main question
Temple Grandin speaking
July 11 2012
As one of TIME magazine's 100 most influential people in the world in 2010, there's no doubt that Temple Grandin is the world's most influential autistic person
June 19 2012
We're in a constant fight for face time with consumers against our animal rights foes. Animal rights activists are very good at messaging
May 25 2012
Economist Herbert Stein (1916-1999) had a keen wit and ability to sum up complex financial concepts in simple ways. A former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, he is best remembered...
May 15 2012
The jargon in our industry can overwhelm the ordinary urbanite. The words we choose when talking to our dairy neighbor at the feed mill are different than the vocabulary used to talk to the teacher at...
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May 14 2012
South Dakota State University student becomes the 24th Hoard's Dairyman Editorial Intern. For the past 24 years, the Hoard's Dairyman editorial team has looked forward to welcoming our editorial intern...
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May 10 2012
"Many retailers understand the science behind food production practices, but their customers do not," noted Charlie Arnot with the Center for Food Integrity (CFI), at the 2012 North American Strategy Conference...
May 7 2012
The National FFA Contest encompasses dairy management into their judging contest. by Hoard's Dairyman staff Many of us began dairy judging in 4-H programs. The younger members started by just filling out...
April 26 2012
Within farm nutrient variation, estimates are needed to determine feed sampling and ration re-formulation schedules. by Hoard's Dairyman staff "Good ration formulation is a form of risk management. Diets...
April 11 2012
Many of us in agriculture stay involved in local pro-agriculture organizations. While each has its political tilt or bias, I hope we can all agree that Farm Bureau does a great job promoting the national...